Question / Help Stream far behind


New Member
so i was practice streaming and testing it out and it seemed that my stream on twitch was like a good 10 seconds behind me why is that ?


Town drunk
Yeah, that would be it. Can you try the latest test build from the downloads section of the website and see if it's still lagging far behind?


Town drunk
Yeah, the recent test versions minizmed a lot of the stream delay. There's no way to completely eliminate it, though. I believe the latest test versions minimize it as much as possible, though I could be wrong.


According to my experiments, version 0.472 Beta has a stream lag time of about 5.15 seconds. Version 0.473 Build Test 11 has a stream lag time of about 3.18 seconds, almost 2 seconds faster.


Town drunk
There's always a couple seconds of delay, you can't ever really get 100% real time streaming. There's more delay the farther away you are from the servers as well.


New Member
haha i guess it's because most streams i am watching seem to be like they are not behind or snything at all xD


Community Helper
From my experiments with my RTMP server (not going through Twitch), 0.472b has ~3.5 seconds of delay, and 0.473 has ~1 second of delay.


Town drunk
A lot depends on the quality of your network hardware, the quality of your ISP connection, and distance to and from servers.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
With the latest test versions, it sends out data pretty much as soon as possible. The only delay is the server side buffering, which is twitch's end.