Question / Help Stream bit rate acting up?

Hey so i've been stress testing my pc for a 24hr stream i'll be doing in November and today I realized something is bottlenecking my performance? so at the bottom right the square stays green till about an hour in where it then goes red and my kbps goes from 2500 to 800? This is my last log file but the weirdest part is its totally fine till then, then it resolves itself in 10 minutes but then an hour later it starts again....

my settings are 720p 60fps @ 2500kbps, bilnear and the nvidia nvenc encoder (default profile).

my specs are
intel i7 6700hq processor
gtx960m 4gb
8gb ram
avermedia lgp capture card

any help is appreciated!


Active Member
This looks like a network issue, not an OBS issue. Anyone else sharing your bandwidth? Is your ISP throttling you?


Active Member
Maybe? The network trouble is a more fundamental issue. If you really want to solve an audio problem first, try just saving to disk and not streaming and then play back the file, see if the audio is correct there.