Question / Help Stream 4:3 games with Avermedia LGX


New Member
Hi, I am re-opening this topic because I have a related question.
I am using a dual pc setup and an Avermedia Live Gamer Extreme.
I have an older pc meant to play older games. Most of these games run at 4:3 resolutions.
If I set up the older pc's desktop resolution to a 4:3 one or if the game runs at a 4:3 resolution I get a Signal Out of Range type of message from the Avermedia in OBS Studio.
Even if I try to manually input a resolution of 1024*768 (example) I get either a black screen or an error message.

I run all the setup part of the Avermedia via OBS Studio itself (using Add>Source>Capture Device) as Avermedia's own software, very limited.

I have the same issue when I connect a PlayStation 2 to the capture card and then try to play a PlayStation 1 game. PS2 games show up great, no issues, PS1 games (played in the PS2 (it can do this natively)) show up via the pass-through but nothing in OBS (black screen).

Help :)


New Member
Just to clarify.

Main PC = 1080p. Windows 10.
Retro PC = I want a 1024*768 resolution. Running Windows XP. (Video card = GeForce 4 Ti 4200)
Stream setup in OBS = 720p 30FPs
So I want the capture to be of a 4:3 game or pc desktop running in fullscreen but the stream itself would be 16:9.

Retro PC = DCVI-to-HDMI cable -> to Avermedia LGX -> to OBS Studio.

On the retro PC if I select CLONE DESKTOP (it detects the Avermedia LGX as a second monitor) it REFUSES to allow me to select anything other than 1080p for the "clone".

I know I don't yet have a solution for the audio (plan is to use line out from the retro pc and connect that either to the line in of the main pc or to the AUX port of the capture card.)

What am I doing wrong in my setup? OR is the LGX only capable of 16:9?
Would using the S-VIDEO out of the GeForce 4 Ti 4200 be a solution? (connecting to the component input of the Avermedia LGX)
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The Helping Squad
Supported Resolutions of the LGX: 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p (max: 1080p@60fps)
It seems 1024x768 is not supported by your capture card. Your input has to match a resolution that the LGX supports.

If you clone a monitor you should still be able to afterwards lower the resolution, as long as both the monitor and lgx support the same resolutions.

S-Video will not work, or do you have a capture card with s-video in? The LGX seems to only have hdmi and component input.


New Member
Thanks for replying! Appreciate that you too the time to look up info and reply.

So my only choice is to find a way to actually get the games running in a resolution supported by the capture card. Damn. Was hoping to get the full retro aspect :)

The component connection came with an avermedia has this cable that I think may have an s-video connector on it. ( the thing marked as "component cable"). I am not at home so can't check it now.

Sigh. The point of bringing this retro pc back to life was to allow for compatibility with older games that run on XP, don't like CPUs with more than 1 core and don't do 16:9.

Would have been cool if at least the capture card would receive the 4:3 signal and stretch it to 16:9.

Now I am stumped as to what to do for 4:3 and PlayStation 1 games (which I have to play on a PS2, don't have a PS3).

Does anyone know of a cheap capture card that can receive a 4:3 signal at 1024*768?
I also have a Logilink VG005B ( but it doesn't go that high from what I know.
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New Member
Apparently the best $ option is the AverMedia Live Gamer HD Lite. It's listed as being capable of 4:3 pass-through.
Might look into picking one of those up. I wish it would have a component connection as well.
If I find another option, I will post it here.

QUESTION: Is there any known issue with having 2 AverMedia cards installed on one pc at the same time?
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