Bug Report Strange noise from microphone


New Member
Hello lads, having problem with sound(microphone) and i am curious when obs gona add/fix it cuz this program is amazing in terms of fps and cpu eating

So i have 2 videos for you, these videos are 20sec long with microphone turned on in OBS and xsplit , but turned off in headsets, so basically on videos should be only ingame sound and music. I have tested for few days so i am sure its microphone output which make this sound.

1) OBS video http://www.twitch.tv/endalay2/b/353411571 - huge and annoying noise from nowhere

2) xsplit video http://www.twitch.tv/endalay2/b/353412932 - some small "echo" but not so noticeable

Is there any way to fix this ?
