Question / Help Still seeking quality help.


New Member
Current build is: i5 3570k @3.4ghz/16gb ram/1tb hdd/evga 670ftw gpu
Internet is at 34-37 down and 6-7 up
I am currently running a 1920x1080 resolution downscaled to 1280x720 with 60fps. Quality is set to 10 and bitrate and buffer are both at 3700. I have it optimized for multithreading and my priority level set to above normal. Also using the faster setting. Cbr is enabled.

I am streaming WoW

Now I have three questions
1. Is my high bitrate gonna affect who can view my stream?
2. In normal view It looks great. In fullscreen it seems to be somewhat blurry in general and with movements, why is it like this on fullscreen?
3. I see people with same internet speed/pc specs or less with better quality fullscreen streaming. Bottom line is. What am I doing wrong?


Town drunk
1) Yes, many people will have issues even past 3000 bitrate, though that seems to be more with VBR. You may be ok with CBR
2) That's because you are taking a downscaled image, which already gets blurred a bit by the downscaling filter (used to alleviate aliasing and other things) and then blowing it back up to native res. It's always going to look blurred that way, though it should still be a clean image provided your bitrate and encoding settings are fine (they are, in this case)
3) I really doubt that. 720p60fps with 3700 bitrate is about as good as you can possibly get. It's possible that they aren't downscaling and are simply inputting a base resolution of 720p. This will look "sharper" but you will also see a lot more jagged edges and other oddities that I personally find a bit jarring.

Side note: Quality Balance setting does not apply when you have CBR enabled as CBR uses a different rate control method.


New Member
ok i understand now, i guess the whole being partnered with twitch helps quality a bit too


Town drunk
Being partnered has no bearing on quality, just resolution options you can provide to your viewers.


New Member
i see i see, for some reason i get a choppy 1080 stream when i make my attempts. very blurry. and this is with settings at 25fps


Town drunk
Well, 25fps isn't going to look all that smooth regardless. Try 30 and see if it's better. I have a hard time imagining 1080p is blurry with 3700 bitrate, considering 3000 bitrate is sufficient for a good quality 1080p30fps stream. I would have to see a VOD example.