stickam and blogtv support


Forum Admin
Both already possible if you select Custom as your Streaming Service in the broadcast tabs.


1. Log in and click Go Live in the top right

2. Selected Advanced under Broadcast Using:

3. Use the listed settings in the matching fields in OBS as a Custom streaming service in the Broadcast tab.

4. Click Next in the Go Live window and configure your stream settings.

5. Click Start in the Stickam window and then Start Streaming in OBS
(You will have to do 1, 4 and 5 every time to stream to Stickam)


A tad a bit more annoying since they don't display the settings anywhere, they only give you a file.

1. Log in and click Broadcast Now in the top right.

2. Click Start HQ Broadcast.

3. Download the file there by clicking the CLICK HERE text.

4. Open the file with Notepad and search for <rtmp>

5. There will be a link that looks like rtmp:// ... sghfdDHDJH

Copy that into OBS as the FMS URL after selecting Custom streaming service in the Broadcast tab

6. Right after that link, there will be a number like 32908324_1238123 inside <stream> tags. Copy just the number into the stream key/play path field in OBS