Question / Help Static Noise on Stream


New Member
Hey guys so I have streamed using X-split for the last year and a half and have just switched to obs! I have always had this problem where there is a static noise constantly playing even when I mute my mic. I really wanna finally address this issue as I feel like it takes away from my stream, any help would be wonderfull. Here is a vod to hear the noise :D


Have you enabled OBS' "Microphone Noise Gate" setting? That's pretty much exactly what it's meant to help with.


New Member
That didnt seem to fix it, one thing I can comment on is when I turn my mic boost higher it gets worse and vise versa, but it doesnt go away when I mute my mic. Someone a long time ago said something about a sound card might help??


Forum Admin
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Do you have a log file? It's always nice to have one accompanied with a log post just to see the devices you're using. However, I can tell you what I've commonly seem in regards to static -- it's often due to mics and webcams being used at the same time in certain USB slots, seems to usually be a motherboard thing (could be a WASAPI thing in addition but I can't verify because I can't replicate), often switching USB ports around can work, or using USB 3.0 if it was 2.0, things like that. It's surprising and disappointing how often that works, but if it sometimes works then I suppose one can't really complain.


New Member
Thanks for the reply Jim, I am not sure if this is what you wanted for a log so I just dumped it here Also new issue now kinda is when I use CBR I drop like 85% frames so I just went back to not using it. Any idea why that happens?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
That is what I want, thank you. If you're dropping frames with CBR on it probably means you're just generally using more bitrate than you can handle, VBR just lowers your bitrate in less active scenes. CBR ensures bitrate stays the same (and according to twitch makes for a more reliable transmission to viewers). Would probably try to keep it on but it's your choice.

Did the suggestion for static work?


New Member
Hey so I enabled a noise gate and I can see its fine when the noise gate is muting my mic, I also moved the webcam usb to another slot and it changed nothing. I really want this issue fixed but am kinda frustrated, also how big of a deal is it to not stream with CBR, I turned it back on today and now I dont drop frames but 2 days ago with CBR on I dropped 80% frames it is all very confusing