Bug Report Start/stop streaming bug


New Member
Finally found one :D
Well, here's the description.

When i'm streaming, sometimes delay between "action" and "image on stream" increases (same happening with X and FF splits, so it's ok) and i always "fix" this with a stream restarting.
Today was my first "real" stream with an OBS, and when i tried to start/stop - stream stopped, but never started.
Then i tried to do this in "slow-mode", and it worked.

So to replicate this one you should press "stop" and then as fast as you can press "start" again.
As i said before - this works ok if you wait 2-3 secs before pressing "Start" again.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
wait, is this an out-of-sync issue? in rare circumstances, certain CPUs/motherboards have timing errors released with them, so I made a fix that can be used for this scenario. an awesome trick I developed that bypasses all CPU/motherboard timing. put UseSyncFix=1 in the [Video Encoding] section of your profile ini file. It's not as nice as proper timing that occurs with proper CPUs/MBs, but it ensures you never go out of sync. had another person who had this problem who helped test fixes for 2 weeks straight until I finally developed this fix.

slightly undocumented at the moment, was going to add in a checkbox for it when I put in advanced settings.

I don't know how I missed your post, sorry for not responding sooner ^_^


New Member
Hello there, hasn't been here for a while.

Just checked solution you've provided, with that "hidden option" - and it doesn't works :(
I think i'll capture the video for you to make this more clear.

UPD: sent you a link to video