Question / Help Star Wars: KoTOR issues


Active Member
Not entirely certain why this game is having problems, or if there is a known fix; Search only shows Jim saying he'll get around to it eventually (I understand that Jim has a very full plate; I'm not criticizing, just asking if a fix was discovered in the meantime).

Same issue as in the other dead threads; fullscreen game capture gives nada but a black screen, editing the INI files to put it into the hidden windowed mode gives a black screen with the in-game mouse pointer and very rare occasional flickers of the game screen. The only way to actually capture the game entire at all is with a Monitor Capture, which is unfeasibly slow (5-17fps) and slows the game down to a crawl as well.

More than happy to provide a (Steam) copy of this game to any Dev that wants to get this running but lacks a copy on which to test.


Town drunk
I've got the Steam version (thanks Star Wars steam pack...!) and I'll try it out and see if I can't get it working. Do you know if this is isolated to the Steam version only? They *did* muck around with the exe a bit, I think. I have a CD version too.

Hmm, I seem to remember this thread you were talking about, actually.


Town drunk
Hm, it actually works completely fine for me in fullscreen. I did have the Steam overlay disabled, maybe that's the trick?


Forum Admin
I know KOTOR has had issues, though I had never tried it myself to see the nature of those issues. I tried it today, and it appeared to work fine. (Ignore the resolution issues, I didn't bother changing the aspect ratio so it looks wrong right now.)



Active Member
Hmm. Fullscreen still gives me a black screen, overlay on or off. Are you using any of the resolution-patchers from WSGF?


Town drunk
No, I'm using this:

It takes a bit more finagling (I seem to have to redo the whole process every time I load up the game), but it plays a lot nicer with the Steam version.

edit: Hm, I just did it with Universal Widescreen, and it was fine once I did fullscreen. Before going fullscreen, the main menu was flashing a lot, but in game everything was fine.

edit2: With and without Steam overlay enabled.

edit3: Complete side note, I forgot how much easier the Universal Widescreen thing was holy crap. Went back to using that...
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Active Member
"Flawless Widescreen" appears to require everything to be run as a superuser, to be able to find the program process hooks. I run as a standard user and escalate to Admin only when it's required for an install or other system-level action, per standard secure computing practices. So Flawless Widescreen really doesn't appear to be a viable option unless I want to stop using secure methods.

Really hate when devs (Flawless Widescreen) assume that everyone's running the lazy way.