Specific Information on Linking OBS Plugin with QT Libaries

Where can I get specific information about how to LINK an OBS Plugin (C++) with Qt Libraries - on MAC OSX? (Please do NOT suggest Discord - that forum so far has been NO help whatsoever. )

I need to know:

1) The names of the Qt libraries for Qt Core, Qt Gui and Qt Widgets. Specific names.
2) Where are these located after installing Qt with HomeBrew? The only ".a" files I see are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.15.2/lib - but I do not see library base names that look like the ones I need? Different names maybe?
3) What is the best way to specify these libraries in the CMakeLists.txt file for the plugin.

Any and all leads welcome. This stuff is so poorly documented - it is like dealing with black magic in the 1200's.
