Question / Help Source Resize Issue


New Member
Im trying to stream ArmA2 using Dxtroy and OBS. When i get the game into the source and the red box appears when i edit the source. When itry to stretch it to full screen. It doesnt fit, There is a boarder or its too big if i pull it to fill the screen.

I have set OBS to downscale to 720

Natvie monitor rez and game play is in 1920x1080

Dxtory is 1920x1080

Can anyone help. I have seen loads of people still streaming DayZ with OBS even with the battleye issue. But this is annoying, When the stream appears, It not the correct size and i cant get it to fit.

Any help would be great.


Use game capture for better performance if you absolutely have to use dxtory then Double check and see if dxtory's resolution match's obs base resolution. if it does then just select the dxtory source and press control+f to fit the screen.


New Member
The game capture is not working due to the battleye issue. Although when i do when i put arma2 in the menu without battleye. The screen still overscales when i move the red box. Both base rez match which is 1920x1080


The Helping Squad
I had the same problem running Arma2 in Window Mode, the Window mode kinda doesnt produce a perfect 1920x1080 region, thus it wont fit your scene perfectly. For dxtory, you can resize the Video Capture Source by holding down shift. This way it ignores the aspect ratio and will resize how you want it to. Before you resize by hand, click the source and hit CTRL+F or right-click the source -> Position/Size -> Fit to screen.

For Gamecapture:
I have no problem capturing Arma2 using the Hotkey Game capture. Choosing it in the dropdown doesnt work for me though. But since its normally only very slightly off you can activate "Ignore Aspect Ratio" checkbox and then resize it to your full scene.
(Again, hold Shift if you have to resize the Source to fit the screen, that way resizing also ignores the aspect ratio)

I hope this helps you, Arma is a kind of pain in the ass most days ;)


New Member
Did you check DXtory's capture settings are matching DXtory's output settings? They both then have to be 1080p in order to send out 1080p to OBS.