Source groups!


New Member
Hey all!
I was wondering if there is a plugin for OBS or OBSMP which allows you to group sources, my reasoning behind this is because I have quite a few sources in one scene and I'd like to put things (such as games) into a folder of which the contents could be hidden. If not do not worry, just think it'd be a nice useful tool to have!


The Helping Squad
Currently, mainly the Scene Collections are available to sort your scenes into different groups for different shows for example. In the future OBS-MP might get more options to sort and order sources but its currently probably not the highest priority.


New Member
This should be really easy to do just by making expandable trees for sources to sit in, no? It certainly isn't priority, but seems like a good way to clean up the UI and have things organized, as well as being able to show/hide multiple sources with one click.

Is there something I'm overlooking that would make this more complicated?