Bug Report Sound is delayed by 1-2 seconds.


New Member
Hello. Loving OBS so far but I ran into a problem. Regardless of what settings I'm using, the audio in my stream is delayed by 1-2 seconds. I've tried streaming with OBS alone and tried it with Dxtory & OBS. Both end with the same results.

Here's a link to a quick video I made to show the issue.

Here are my settings.

HW specs: i7 3770K @ 4.25GHz. GeForce GTX 680.

I've tried the "Use Video/Audio Sync Fix" and it made the delay seem longer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You want to try 0.458a. That's where sync issues are fixed. Also, if using a mic, make sure it's plugged into a USB 2.0 port rather than a 3.0 port to ensure sync. (very weird issue with USB 3.0 ports and microphones, have no clue why that happens)


New Member
Welp. Didn't realize there was an update. Just downloaded this a couple days ago. That has corrected the issue. Thank you very much.