Some great suggestions


New Member
First of all, OBS is a great software, great job on the software!
I got some suggestions:

Lower music and or game volume when speaking automaticly.

Add detect sound when talking and mute mic when not talking, as it works in Teamspeak 3.

When changing to different scenes, add some effects to it, like a fade in fade out, wave screen to next scene etc, as it is in Xsplit, that's the only thing I miss from Xsplit.

Thanks! :)


Active Member
Add detect sound when talking and mute mic when not talking, as it works in Teamspeak 3.
You mean like the already-implemented noise gate function?

When changing to different scenes, add some effects to it, like a fade in fade out, wave screen to next scene etc, as it is in Xsplit, that's the only thing I miss from Xsplit.
Already on the roadmap.