New Member
Hi there. I'm new to streaming and am looking for some experienced streamers to assist me in trying to find the most optimal bitrate for my connection.
I have a fiber optic 1.8Mbps upload. I mainly play games such as Team Fortress 2, Dota 2 and Garry's Mod (non-sandbox mode).
My issue comes down to the fact that when I stream, my latency skyrockets to the point where I cannot react to actions fast enough due to the lag.
I have noticed that anything over 1000/1000 bitrate/buffer and my latency will go into the 200-300 range from 30-40. Is there any possible way, with my current upstream, that I can optimize my bitrate and buffer to improve image quality with minimal latency increase? Should I increase my bitrate and use a custom buffer and set it lower than my bitrate?
I have a fiber optic 1.8Mbps upload. I mainly play games such as Team Fortress 2, Dota 2 and Garry's Mod (non-sandbox mode).
My issue comes down to the fact that when I stream, my latency skyrockets to the point where I cannot react to actions fast enough due to the lag.
I have noticed that anything over 1000/1000 bitrate/buffer and my latency will go into the 200-300 range from 30-40. Is there any possible way, with my current upstream, that I can optimize my bitrate and buffer to improve image quality with minimal latency increase? Should I increase my bitrate and use a custom buffer and set it lower than my bitrate?