Question / Help [Solved*] Only 10-20 FPS after ~15-20mins of recording


Active Member
From your log, when you stream AND record
20:57:16.596: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 3634 (2.9%)
GPU Overloaded

You have to reduce ingame graphics and / or limit FPS (using Vsync, for example)


Ok, I checked the last log, sorry that I didn't uploaded it instant. It's a mess:

21:53:51.118: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 2348 (22.0%)
-> that was the first time the frames began to drop

The rest of the log-entries (all result in game-crashes without error-warnings/messages):

21:55:18.816: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 432 (30.1%)
22:16:17.506: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 2021 (2.9%)
22:47:53.576: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 7048 (6.7%)
22:52:59.887: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 5177 (45.3%)
23:01:00.567: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 9584 (51.4%)
23:09:24.463: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 5953 (54.2%)
23:19:50.869: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 15488 (60.0%)
23:31:14.047: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 18510 (63.2%)
23:49:11.749: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 14743 (65.7%)

=> Everytime WatchDogs2 crashed, I got normal FPS and no problems, GPU load was only one time at 97% :o

The last record doesn't crash, but the GPU/CPU-load and the FPS dropped:
00:05:19.918: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 25572 (55.3%)

The End of the stream, where the FPS dropped because the videocard dropped to 50% workload (you can see it in the GPU-Z log too):
00:24:35.305: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 192316 (45.1%)


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screenshot of the main tab of gpu-z please.

Well I'm not sure if it's this screen you want to see, but this one I linked one page before.

Btw. I've tested it with Fallout 4 this evening and the problem is still available. I'm not sure, but I recorded Battlefield 1 local only, a few days before für 1 hour and don't got any problems. Is it possible that the streaming option make problems, for example a browsersource or smth. else?


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Ok, tested it now again. I played Fallout 4 without OBS for one hour ... no Problems, normal FPS. The I record local with OBS and get the low-FPS problem again after 10mins. Tried it again and disable all browser-sources ... FPS-laggs after 25mins. Is it possible that the hardware-encoder for NVENC is broken? Is there a chance to check it?


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Ok, I take a one hour long local recording with XSplit and NVENC ... got no problems. So it must be a bug of OBS ... I open another thread marked as bug category.


Problem also with older OBS version (18.0) ... Ingame and captured FPS from OBS are still not the same ... the ingame FPS are written in the name of the screenshots.


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I streamed and recorded Playerunkown's Battleground today. Don't get performance problems while recording while the graphic card got a 97% load all over the time. Maybe the reason will be, that the perfomance of the game isn't very good at the time (~40 FPS), but the log looks better than Fallout 4 or Watch Dogs 2 and the game haven't crashed one single time ...


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Played Playerunkown's Battleground again today ... messy gameplay, 10-20 FPS ... see the log. Nice that nobody give a reaction here ... maybe I should post a gpu-z overwiew ha? :/


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Active Member
23:07:13.593: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=2.998 ms, max=2143.83 ms, 99th percentile=29.862 ms

Definitely a problem in the video card.


23:07:13.593: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=2.998 ms, max=2143.83 ms, 99th percentile=29.862 ms

Definitely a problem in the video card.

And why I have no problems with XSplit? I used NVENC too and got no problems there. I can try my old video card and make a post again. Btw I tried Fallout 4 again with other settings, it lagged out again. After that, I let OBS open and don't get back to 60 FPS again. I make a screen recording after that and look at the "Number of lagged frames" ... 21.4% to capture a desktop? Afterwards I take a screenshot as OBS is just opened (I don't close the old session) and look how sick the FPS dropped.


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I switched the video card and record with my old GTX 970, you can see the results in the log. A relative high drop of FPS in Watch_Dogs 2, no drops in Fallout 4, but OBS record with other FPS as the ingame FPS. You can see it in the screenshots. I don't know if the bottleneck of the GPU will prefer OBS to fuck up my system again, I think the GTX 1080 will open the neck and strange magic happens. I'm not sure if there will be some possible changes, if I set up a fresh Windows version. Sending in the video card is not the solution if you check the logs and screens below.

When you check the Fallout4 screens, you can see, that the video load dropped, if I looked to a scene with more textures like buildings or smth. No change in the CPU-load, Fallout4 was the only game where OBS record constant with 59,94 FPS.

In Watch_Dogs2, a higher capture rate as FPS ingame, GPU-load at 98% all the time but no high CPU usage. When I've played with the 1080 the CPU load was on 95% (without OBS or when I started recording). Watch Dogs2 is the only game what crashed a lot with wrong textures when the game died (a lot of textures went black for example). But no crashed with the GTX 970.

A big difference between both cards: If the FPS dropped to 30, or smth like that, when recording with the GTX 970 they pushed back at 40 and above if the scene isn't very full of details. And if I got no ingame laggs. If that happened with the GTX 1080, the frames don't get over 25 FPS again and the game is very laggy and choppy until I close the game or OBS.

Watch this line from recording Watch_Dogs2/Fallout4 (posted from harold before):

21:39:54.663: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=96.225 ms, 99th percentile=40.916 ms

And if you checked the last log too where I ONLY RECORD Playerunknow's Battleground, there are again a high amount of lagging frames.

23:03:11.955: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 24426 (24.5%)
23:35:33.998: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 41645 (39.2%)

So that can't be the video card, I don't own two damaged cards. There is a problem of OBS, I think it started a lot of time before, but I don't recordnized it with my GTX 970 (but I don't know why).


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Active Member
Rendering lag is ALWAYS the video card slowing things down, either by overload on the card itself or overload on the pci-e bus.


Well, my motherboard is a very old one, so maybe that can be the reason. I recorded with the OBS Classic today, I know it's the wrong thread here, but it's only for comparison. Got FPS-drops too there (watch the log), he only recorded with 25 FPS. XSplit got massive problems too, but here there are no logs but the record on ~ 17000 kbit/s lags several times.

So what are my options? Lower the recording bitrate? I don't realy want to reinstall windows, I think the problems will be still there after that :/ ...


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Changed the video card back to the gtx 1080 but put it into my second PCIe 2.0 x16 slot ... same problem, first entry in the log: dropping FPS to 30. If you check the recordings-screens you can see, that the gpu load is a lot higher on close distance and 20% less when he need to render more details (same issue like in Fallout 4 see 2 posts above). So I lower the texture details from high to middle because there was a reminder deep in my mind, that textures need a lot of cpu pwer too.

So the second entry in the log: game crashed after changing the texture settings but here OBS told me my encoding rate were to high (GPU was on 100% load when it crashed). Third entry: game crashed after 5 seconds of recording, GPU load normal, again a warning of OBS that the encoding rate were to high. Wtf? Never get this message before .. or it's a error in cause of the gamecrash. Btw I don't get low or dipping FPS in OBS now while encoding.

Edit: Lowered bitrate from 25000 to 5000 ... no changes, game crashed again after 10 seconds, OBS can't stop the recording, need to close it.

Edit2: Ok, got problems with XSplit too ... CPU & GPU workload are on fully load, no ingame FPS drops, but the recording (and the videopreview in xplit) are laggy like hell. Set a clear windows is the last instance I could do from my side, otherwise there's a hardware issue from my motherboard or cpu ... maybe it's too old, don't know. Can you get information from GPU-Z that my PCIe-bus is to old/bad or smth? That was the last state on fully load. (last screenshot)


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Well then, I set up a fresh version of Windows, installed OBS and NVIDA drivers and voila: record 1h 38mins without any lags or game crashes. Ok, I stand still of the most time, but well, the game crashed after 2 mins before. The log is nice and clear too. Seems to be a rotten software or smth. else. So I marked the problem as solved, but I dan't say which software it could be. I will install all my software now I need and give a final reply.


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Well, after getting a bit lower FPS and a higher number of lagged frame on ultra settings, I played a little bit with the graphic-settings in the game menues ... after all I reduced/turn off the antialysing and set the texture settings from ultra to super high (Watch Dogs 2) and I get better results (see the log). Fallout4 is still a curious case (no high CPU/GPU-workload, around ~40-50% with 60-70 FPS) but Watch Dogs 2 don't crash anymore and the workloads of the GPU (~95%) and CPU (~90%) all over the time seems to be the right way of working correct and stable. Also there is no dropping of FPS till 20/10 FPS and lagging anymore (short testing of Playerunknow's Battleground, Fallout4, Watch Dogs 2), I will observe the workloads in other games and over the time, when smth changed I write it down here or in another thread when this one is getting closed.


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Problem solved, thread can be closed .. stream and record ~4h yesterday, no FPS drops/game crashes and the log is still clear.


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