Question / Help [solved] Muffled, Echoey sound.


New Member

I've been having an issue with sound recently when using OBS or recording anything with Fraps and stuff. It's not clear, it's just really echoey, I don't really know how to describe it, but it's really obvious when you can hear voices on my stream. Here is a recent example. It's been happening for a while and is very annoying. It didn't happen when I first started streaming or recording a long time ago, but for some reason is happening now.

Any help? And if this is in the wrong place, please tell me, because I have no idea where else to put it.

Edit: Solved. I had some weird setting checked in the Control Panel Audio stuff. Don't know how that happened...


New Member
Re: Muffled, Echoey sound.

I'm going to bump this one last time, and if nothing comes of it, I'll let it die. I really want this problem to be fixed :C