Bug Report [solved] Mouse Button 4/5 not working for hotkeys


New Member
I use a Razer Deathadder mouse, and trying to bind my PTT key to Mouse button 4 or 5 does not work (binding to mouse 1, 2 or 3 does work). I'm assuming that Mouse button 4 and 5 work since I can set them using the config files, however even setting them that way, OBS doesn't recognize them, so I don't think OBS is recognizing my mouse, or my mouse is choosing not to interact with OBS.

(Or I'm wrong and OBS doesn't recognize Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 yet)


Forum Admin
Re: Mouse Button 4/5 not working for hotkeys

Works fine for me with my Deathadder. What version are you using?


New Member
Re: Mouse Button 4/5 not working for hotkeys

Looks like I'm using v0.466a

I tried using a Razer Mamba and I had the same problem, so I feel like it's a problem maybe on my end with something.

-__- I'm stupid... I forgot I had my side mouse buttons disabled in all programs except those that I allow. I never allowed OBS... It works now...