Question / Help [solved]how to use a .mov obs in?


New Member
Hello, i have a problem

I made a video with a transparent channel to replace the chroma key.
but I can not read it in a OBS.

Video is a [.mov], how to read in OBS?
Do you have a solution for me?

thank you very much.
(sorry for my bad english :/)


Re: how to use a mov. obs in?

You've tried the video plugin? What was the error?

I've tried exactly what you are doing and it worked for me in the past

Can you post the video in question?


Re: how to use a mov. obs in?

Worked fine for me.



New Member
Re: how to use a mov. obs in?

can you tell me how you did it step by step?

thanks you

ps : I try with another video that possessed sound
I still do not see the video, by cons I hear the sound ...
What is my problem?


Re: how to use a mov. obs in?

It's possible your video is offscreen. Try right-clicking the source in the sources listbox and Position/Size->Fit To Screen


New Member
Re: how to use a .mov obs in?

the problem is solved!

after a reinstallation of the plugin, it works perfectly.

faruton thank you for your help!