[Solution for Multicamera streaming] Multiview for SOURCE


Multivew for Scene is fantastic, I know. But Multiview for Sources? It could be a game changer for those who can't afford ATEM Mini. Why this feature is necessary? Because using 1 scene per camera for multicamera is not efficient. How about 1 scene for all camera source that you can switch with multiview for SOURCE? That will be very nice.

There's couple workaround;

The first one is by using eyeball to disable all camera source except the one that we click on Multiview. It can also disable audio or group of video and audio source.

The second one is by automatically moving the source to the top of layer. This method has a lot of flaw, so I'm sure the eyeball method is way better.

Why people need it? Because, yeah, not everyone have ATEM Mini. And second, this feature can support small organizations that in their worst scenario, uses multiple droidcam for multicam setup. How about gamers? Sure, gamers could use this too, if they decided to use it for switch between games or browsers, no hassle on scene switcher.

Please, if you have any workaround, help me request this feature.

Sorry to the admin or moderators, I have too many ideas recently.