Question / Help Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole screen


New Member
I have some Scenes, including images, software capture from full monitor, and game capture.
Now I try to create another scene with a source "Software Capture" but for Window Capture only. I can't! It always shows the whole desktop, or whatever window I have above the selected window. If I select that Scene and open OBS, it stays ABOVE the source. I have no idea why, and I really wanted to have a Software Capture from only a specific window. I tried from different windows, the outcome is always the same...

Would appreciate some help.
Thanks a lot!


Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

you should enable aero (transparent theme) if you're on windows 7/vista to do this. your "full monitor capture" performance will suffer from aero so make sure that you're not capturing anything that needs real smoothness on it.
game capture and window capture scenes should still work fine.


New Member
Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

You mean enabling Aero on Windows itself? Or unchecking the "Disable Aero at Startup" box on OBS settings?
Also, if i untick that box, will it make my game strem slower? Even if it's another different Scene from the one using the Window Capture only?


Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

uncheck the aero option from video settings click ok and close obs, then go pick a transparent theme on windows.
aero only effects monitor capture scenes negatively and that's if you're running windows 7/vista.


New Member
Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

I left the option checked, and only changed to Aero on Windows and it's still working fine now! Thanks!

I have another 3 questions though:

1. Is it better to Stream a game (League of Legends) with Software Capture Mode and run the game on Borderless, or with Game Capture Mode (still running it in Borderless)? I mean, what's best for the strem performance?

2. Is there any way of your Scene automatically changed for the one with the Game Capture Mode, when the game is lauched, or does it always have to be manual?

3. Do you know about any way of reducing stactic noise from my mic? My integrated mic from laptop works like a charm, but my external mic from the headset has a lot of static noise. It works 100% fine on TeamSpeak, Skype, RaidCall, etc...
Only issue is here. I tried lowering dB, lowering Mic level, all that. Was able to turn the stactic noise a bit down, but I'm still not happy, and if I lower it more, my voice won't be heard. Any help?


Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

1- there's not much difference from game capture when using window capture + aero enabled. go for the one that works. if you can run both fine then game capture is preferred.
2-there's a plugin actually that can do that.
3- expect this in the future.


New Member
Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

hilalpro said:
So, in which folder do I paste the .dll folder in?
And what doesn this do? It automatically switches to the game Scene when game is launched and back to the other Scene when game ends? Or do I have to press Alt+TAB? Because if I do, there's no need for this, since you can bind hotkeys to Scenes.

hilalpro said:
expect this in the future.
Great, amazing! This is actually the only issue in my stream now. Will it be available in the next update?

Also, last thing, can you please let me know if these settings are right for my PC specs:

- Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P8600 2.40GHz
- 3.0Gb RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT

- 2520kb/sec (315KB/sec) Upload

Stream Settings:
- Quality 10
- Max Bitrate 2100 (can I use more here?)
- Buffer Size 2100
- Audio 256 bitrate
- Resolution 1280x800 (Downscale to 852x532) - can I use more here?
- 30 FPS


Re: Software Capture (Window Capture) is capturing whole scr

So, in which folder do I paste the .dll folder in?
And what doesn this do? It automatically switches to the game Scene when game is launched and back to the other Scene when game ends? Or do I have to press Alt+TAB? Because if I do, there's no need for this, since you can bind hotkeys to Scenes.
put the dll file of the matching version of obs in the directory of obs/plugins. (for instance if you're running a 32bit obs use the 32bit dll)
Great, amazing! This is actually the only issue in my stream now. Will it be available in the next update?
no there will probably be a plugin implementation for it.

and the settings are fine. apart from from aac 256 you don't really need that much. 128 is really transparent.


New Member
Hello. When I record my screen and minimize the software with the multiple windows of desktop showing, it records the multiple windows of the desktop and it does not show a clear recording of just project I am recordin.