Smooth transition between preview and live


I saw the idea for a push to live feature for OBS for on the fly editing without the stream seeing it (which is cool). Sorta similar, it would be nice if you could have preview enabled and smoothly transition to streaming without having to disable live preview first. I'd actually like to have preview enabled by default (so it's always on). Of course a option could be added to have it disabled, but I like seeing what's happening in a preview before I go live.


I would very much like the preview to be "always on" since I always have it on, if I am not actually streaming.
The idea of being able to change things without the stream seeing, is very appealing too. This would be a welcome feature!


New Member
I think i know what you mean, making changes of stream without ppl knowing and letting them see the changes after you press a button, I Talked about that and think it was mentioned before. As far as i'v been told, they are planning on doing something like that in the near future.


I think he means that there should be an option to start streaming directly from preview without having to stop preview first.


New Member
this suggestion has been mentioned several times in the forum. Wirecast has this feature where you can slide in and out CG into the live screen from a preview window, i think at some point this feature will be available. probably its more important to make this software more stable before adding more features. but i really would like to have that feature in future as well. :)


I wasn't suggesting a push to live feature, only having the preview active all the time and you don't need to disable it to go live.