Question / Help Small lags in twitch stream


New Member
Hello all, I just got this great software last week and used the stable version first for couple of videos.

Now I moved to the v0.48.012b 64bit experimental test build, video quality is really much better overall and I'm very happy with it. However it still has small lags and I was wondering if you guys would have tips what could be the cause?

The stable version video had all kinds of weird problems and it lagged too so it's not really because of the new experimental version.

Here's the log file link

Also, here's the video if it helps, it's quite noticeable that it lags every now and then after you skip the loading screens

I'm thinking it could be either my processor (i5) or my internet connection (2Mbps upload vs 1,5Mbsp stream upload).

Using Windows 8, game runs in windowed mode. Game itself shouldn't be that taxing.

Any tips are appreciated!


Community Helper
It looks like you're dropping a few frames. Try changing Twitch servers, and/or lowering your bit rate. Your processor/gpu are fine...your computer isn't having any trouble encoding the video. The problem appears to be happening in the transfer.

As a side note, I also recommend lowing your resolution, because that low of a bit rate doesn't typically look that great with that high of a resolution.


New Member
Thanks, switching to closest server seemed to fix the issue. I used the default load balancing server before.

I reduced the resolution too but the image quality seems to get worse even with "best" algorithm, while the full resolution picture with 1,5Mb isn't that good, it (atleast to me) is better looking.