Small Images Resizing!


New Member

This has frustrated me so bad recently! It must be fixed!!

Okay, so when you add a super small image into OBS it adds fine, no problems there, but when it comes time to move this file around with edit scene, oh boy, you better watch out!

With the image being so small, it is impossible to move around on OBS due to OBS automatically wanting to resize the image!

The fix? It's simple! Allow a user to hold down a key to ignore the resize of an image, and simply move the image. Or, in the image settings, make a check that lets you toggle if you want the image to be resizeable or not by OBS!

Thanks so much, please look into this!


The Helping Squad
I just tested with a 16x16pixel icon. The trick is to have nothing (or another source) selected. Then click the small image you want to move, hold the mousebutton and directly move it around. After releasing the mousebutton you can finetune the position while the image is still selected with the arrow keys.
In my quick test that worked flawless :)


New Member
Can only get it to move by fine tuning with arrow keys. There is no possible way for my to click the image physically without it automatically resizing. The image I have is 18x21, and keep in mind monitor size could affect this.

I still think it would be a great idea to add a toggle that lets you maybe "lock" or "unlock" for each source similar to how you are able to hide/view sources. The lock/unlock toggle could make it so the image can't be moved, resized, cropped, etc. And another toggle maybe being "Disable modifications" would make it so the resize graphics and crop graphics weren't present and you only had the ability to move the source.

What do you think?


The Helping Squad
Yea your idea is definitely not bad, and as far as I know the rewrite will allow a way of locking sources etc. We have to ask Jim- though how far he planned this through already :)

At the moment the trick is really to have no source (or another source) selected and then directly click+hold left mouse and drag the source to your desired position (all done in the preview), then finetune with arrow keys :)


I like your idea, the main issue is that we seem to be out of modifier keys. If there is any available, I'll gladly try and code it in. I'm not prepared to dive into the ui, especially of the settings dialogs. They will get a revamp in the rewrite anyway.

I'm rather low on time at the moment, but if anyone can come up with a decent modifier key that doesnt conflict with anything already present, I'll try to take a look at it and get this extra modifier in, shouldn't take too long.


Better add too a source 'fine' position/size tuning dialog (as an alternative to existing mode of altering position/size).


Although a very useful and in the future, required function, fine tuning is unrelated to this issue. All the OP wants is to be able to move (with the mouse) small sources that don't have any area that doesn't overlap with an edge/corner resize zone.

And again, I'm not going to alter any properties dialogs in OBS1 to add position finetuning, especially with the rewrite around the corner.