Question / Help Slower preset than "slow"?


New Member
I have a very powerful computer and a low internet connection. I'd like to use a preset slower than "slow" (placebo?) but I do not see it in the options. How do I do this?


You can set some heavy settings using your own x264 attributes in OBS. You can for example use 'crf=1' and it will look very good and will consume a lot of cpu. You can also find some presets on the internet and type them by hand in custom x264 attributes in OBS.

Maybe also CABAC, best motion estimation method, Trellis, stuff like this.


Forum Admin
Don't use crf=1, that has no impact on CPU time and will just make for even more pixellation during motion. You probably can't go below slow under high motion scenes anyway.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. How would it be written in settings? I am missing something because I don't notice a change in CPU when I input _ in the Custom x264 settings field:

preset=veryslow crf=8


New Member
Hmm what can I do to improve quality during motion? Will switching to 30fps from 60 improve bit rate motion?


Forum Moderator
As you can see on the x264 preset reference, there aren't any significant changes past "slow". In the real world, it's not going to make a big difference. For high quality low bitrate content, the most significant settings are me=umh and partitions=all. The rest is pretty much placebo stuff.

That said, I don't know why some of the presets got removed from the selection menu. It seems like unnecessary PEBKAC prevention; if people want to tinker with settings they don't fully understand, I don't think "veryslow" is going to be drastically worse than "slow" -- both are bad in most circumstances (even my dual Xeons can't handle high motion 720p 60fps at "slow").


Town drunk
Even a 3960x would struggle with anything lower than medium for livestreaming. Really not recommended as the improvement in quality is really not worth it.