Question / Help Slightly dropped frames


I'm back by the way, I got Comcast again. 29MBPS Download, about 5MBPS Upload (not using speedtest, but another site someone recommended to use).

OS: Windows 8
CPU: i3 3220 @ 3.3GHz
GPU: HD 7870 2GB
Ram: 8GB
PSU: 600w Corsair

Edit: With CBR turned off, I barely drop any frames. Do I HAVE to use CBR?

Here is a link to my stream last night; it's only 17mins long. I think I had about 7% dropped frames which isn't terrible, but more than enough to make it an annoying stream to watch. Skip around to get to the action.

My OBS settings;
Windows Capture (game capture won't work for some reason.. if you can figure out why, please let me know.. trying to stream Bloodline Champions)
2400 Bitrate/Buffer (for some reason, 3000 causes major dropped frames)
CBR/Padding enabled
MP3 @ 128kbps
1920x1080 base resolution
1.5 Downscale
30fps (wish I could go 60)
Veryfast preset

I eventually want to start streaming some CCG/RTS games. They aren't really high motion, so it might be easier to stream. I would like to achieve 720p.

If anyone could help me figure out some settings to use, it would be much appreciated. The estimator didn't help much.

Thanks guys

P.s I get about 150fps in game while I'm streaming, but it feels more like 30 while I'm playing. Why is this?


  • 2013-09-21-0038-06.log
    9.6 KB · Views: 26


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Your CPU is only 2-core, so it's not too surprising if you get lag in your game at 720p 60fps. You fix your frame drop issue? Typically the best thing to do is try finding a better server if possible, and if that fails you typically have to lower your bitrate until you stop dropping frames.


Oh, dropped frames has to do with my hardware? I always thought that was on the network side.
I learn something new every day :P

Also, I turned off CBR and it only dropped less than 1% (like 0.25%)
I plan on getting a new CPU.. but it might be awhile :(


Community Helper
No, he was referring to your in-game lag with regards to the CPU. Dropped frames does have to do with network connection. That's what he was referring to with the second half of his post.


Ok, I understand now.
Well, I am connected to the Miami server.
I live on the other coast, Fort Myers. So it's only about 200 miles away. I get roughly 30ms so I don't think it's the server.
I will test another game and report back


Changed servers, using 3000 buffer/bitrate now, no dropped frames for the short time I tested. But even still, my game feels very sluggish even though I have over 100fps in game. Why is this?

Here's a log file from a longer game, still no dropped frames. I upped the quality to 1.5x, still the same sluggish in-game, but that's to be expected from my hardware. But I just don't understand why the game would feel slow if I have high fps in-game. Usually, a low fps makes the game slow, while higher is better.

and here's one with a lower quality.
Still, high fps but sluggish in-game. Also, no dropped frames.


  • 2013-09-22-0922-03.log
    5.2 KB · Views: 18