Question / Help SKYPE with OBS & Hotkeys Scene switching


New Member
i really like OBS more then Xspl**, i have both at the moment, and i try to use everything Im used from Xspl** now with OBS. I started with the overlays and tested broadcasting, OBS is so much less CPU intensive, its awesome.

But i have two things i cant get to work, i just wanna know if maybe someone knows a workaround around this.

1) Skype
I try to have a "Talk Area" Where i have my Webcam on the Left and on the Right side the Cam from the Guest that i called on Skype (see picture below). But i cant find a way to get the Skype Cam from the other user inside my OBS.
I tryed already "Game Capture" to get soemhow the window of skype inside, but didnt work out.
Same with "Window Capture" seems i only get the chatwindow inside, but cant capture the popup video from the ppl i call on skype.


Is there maybe a Skype plugin or something (didnt find any)? Or anyone knows a way arround this?

2) Hotkeys / switch Scenes
Second thing i didnt get to work like planned is the switching "smooth" between scenes with hotkeys. I allready assigned hotkeys and it works to switch the scenes but i cant do anything like "fade" etc. and make it look like a smooth switch between the scenes. On Xspl** its called "Transition" and you can setup the speed for it. I know not everything they have has to be on OBS, but if someone knows a way how to do it those two things really would help alot.

I found the scene Switcher Plugin, bu couldnt get it to work at least i didn see it on Plugins after i put it in the plugin folder, maybe the plugin has something like transition? if someone tested it does it work witth he actual OBS?

Thank for your help! kind regards


Community Helper
"Xsplit" isn't censored you know :)

Make sure Aero is enabled when using Window capture. If it's still not showing up, try enabling Compatibility mode on the Window capture and seeing if that helps at all. As a last resort, you can disable Aero and try to use Monitor capture and a subregion, but Monitor capture is known to give poor performance on Windows 7 and earlier.

OBS currently doesn't have transitions like you're describing, and I'm not sure how much they will be improved in the future...I seem to remember someone working on transitions but I can't remember what it was for, or if it was going to be added to the build. You can request improved transition support in the Suggestions forum :)


New Member
Thaks for the help. I will try, havent yet used the compatibility mode. Just something i forgot to mention, when i use Window Capture and i select Skype i get the windowsize of the skype window but it only shows what is in front of that "area". So if it goes to the background because i open another window, then it shows whats on the window thats above the area of the skype window. Is this normal? I mean is it intended to work like this, so you need to have it on a second monitor or somewhere where nothing overlays the window, or should it normally only show the window i select from the window manager even if its minimized or something? thanks again


Community Helper
To get it to only capture the window even when another window is covering it, Aero needs to be enabled.


New Member
I also need to change the scenes transition speed.

For now, I think it's 100 ms in OBS, while I'd like to set it to 700 ms.