Bug Report Skype voices are being broadcasted


New Member
Hello, I just started streaming and i was talking with a couple of friends of mine and i realized that i couldnt hear what any of them were saying, what i was saying came through perfectly clear. im streaming on twitch. help please?


Forum Admin
Check your Skype audio options and make sure Skype is using the correct audio devices. Maybe turn off the "automatically manage devices" option too.


New Member
I can hear them, its just not making it to the program or something. both of those things should be fine if i hear and talk to them fine, correct?


Forum Admin
As long as you have OBS recording your desktop audio and your Skype is being sent to the same device as your default device it should be fine. Check your default device and Skype device match.


New Member
I'm having the same problem. OBS won't record sounds from skype. My OBS and skype is sett to the same device but I can't hear my friends on the recording.