Simple spacing options for text sources.


New Member
It would be great to have a checkbox for spacing to help the aesthetics on some fonts, that when enabled you could either choose double spacing, OR per-character spacing which would add 1 space after each character, and effectively also triple space. No interface mock-ups but this is what it means in a more simple visual explanation.

option 1
Simple spacing options for text sources.
Simple  spacing  options  for  text  sources.
option 2
Simple spacing options for text sources.
S i m p l e   s p a c i n g   o p t i o n s   f o r   t e x t   s o u r c e s .

Now I realize you could do this yourself for plain text files, but some use dynamics which call for names and such which won't have it. It would also make it much easier on the user when changing text in the same font.

Thoughts? Should be easy to add right?