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Simple Countdown Timer for OBS 4

Narrow River

New Member
Hello, so I updated the plug-in but now I only get seconds.

I set the timer to 10 minutes and it's only showing the seconds no matter what.
Hi napoellis,
I soon as I seen your message I downloaded and installed it to OBS and added ten minutes and here's a pic of the result (I haven't been streaming , so I haven' t used it myself but I did test it before I released it.) To begin with it will only show 00. When you add Minutes, Hours or days it will show the highest time imputed. The OK button has been replaced by a click of the return key or selecting another selection will do the same. If you input 10 minutes and press return the dock display and browser display should change automatically. Try adding minutes, hours or days again and pressing return. It should work. Let me know your results.


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Narrow River

New Member
no response to this
I'm not sure you can, but I will look at it. My countdown timer is basically two web pages that talk to each other. OBS makes it easy to add one as a Dock and one as a Browser Source. Don't know how you can put that in an email. Some countdown timers are based of scripts and some are text files that change from an input program source. Maybe one of those could be added to an email?

Narrow River

New Member
I'm not sure you can, but I will look at it. My countdown timer is basically two web pages that talk to each other. OBS makes it easy to add one as a Dock and one as a Browser Source. Don't know how you can put that in an email. Some countdown timers are based of scripts and some are text files that change from an input program source. Maybe one of those could be added to an email?
Sorry for taking so long but I did look into it and it can 100% be done. There are programs that will do it. Here are two pics in gmail and outlook with a timer, ( Free but from what I found they had branding as you can see. To remove the banding there is a subscription on average it is $9.99 per month to use it without the branding. And that price usually increased with more features being unlocked. ) My countdown timer for OBS is totally free and always will be. At the moment the browser display of the countdown timer will not work in an email. But with some re coding it definitely will go in an email. I'm not sure how it will all work but I am going to give it a go and I will most likely be charging a one off amount $10 to download it with free updates. ( Because you introduced me to the idea you would get it for free )



Narrow River

New Member
Narrow River updated Simple Countdown Timer for OBS with a new update entry:

Version 4

Version 4
A new version with many changes
View attachment 105191

Changes include:

Added Gradients with up to 5 colors
Improved stroke
Increased shadow size and added more depth
Added the current date and time for future use
Added a second reset button to the main dock
Added a third settings display
Changed how the settings panels function
Removed the alignment, now all text is centered, movement can be done by moving the OBS window
Before and After text are synced with the...

Read the rest of this update entry...

Narrow River

New Member
Hi everybody
Just a update on the install process of V4 of the plugin. Nothing has really changed but I wanted to do a newer version.
This is how I do install the plugin and it works each time for me.
The Dock and Browser Source are two separate programs.
They are installed separately but work together.
Once downloaded from GitHub, extract the files to a directory of your choosing.
As long as the files stay together and are not moved after install they will install and function correctly.

The Dock Install.
Open the containing folder that hold the files and click on the file Dock.html

Screenshot 2024-07-13 135524.png

An Internet Browser of you choice will open ( I use Chrome ).
Copy the URL in the address bar from the browser window that opens.

Screenshot 2024-07-13 135708.png

Open OBS.
Open the Custom Browser Docks window ( that is in the docks tab ).
Type a name of your choosing and paste the copied URL here.

Screenshot 2024-07-13 135303.png

OBS will add file:/// to the beginning of the URL.
Then click Apply and a window with the Dock will appear.
Place this window in a place of you choosing in OBS. It will snap into place.
Dock instal done.

The Bowser Source install.
Reopen the containing folder that hold the file and click on the file Browser.html

Screenshot 2024-07-13 135524.png

Copy the URL in the address bar from the browser window that opens.

Screenshot 2024-07-13 135748.png

In OBS click the + button in the sources and in the pop-up window that opens click the Browser option.

Screenshot 2024-07-13 153630.png

Another widow will appear an type a name of your choosing and click ok.

Another window will appear and change only 3 things. The height and width of your OBS's max screen.
Paste the browser URL. Do not click the Local File option.
Again OBS will put file:/// at the beginning of the copied URL. I have always left this in and have no problems.
One user had syncing issues and there fix was deleting the file:/// from before the copied URL.
If this is the first time installing V4 the screen should show a black 00 originally. After this, the settings are all saved.
All text is now centred.
All changes made in the dock should now translate to the source immediately.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 114120.png

Click OK to remove the properties window.
The Dock and Browser Source are now installed, enjoy.


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