Shuffle a random video from directory or play a defined number of videos.


You guys might want to come over and look at this thread. Its about 24/7 automation


New Member
SO I'm wondering, I sure there is but not sure how easy it would be to edit the exe to ask for a folder location of the videos rather than just having the exe in the same folder?


New Member
Thank You for posting this. I had an idea but did not know how to carry it out. For those still having issues you will follow the instructions to install the OBS plug-ins but to trigger it I use triggerfyre which you can find at You will have to have OBS open and in triggerfyre connect to OBS then you will trigger a source select the source that you created for the random video and set the rules for what you want it to do. I am doing mine through a channel point redemption but you can also just do a command. Mine is working perfectly

