Question / Help Should i use NVENC or Quicksync?


I can't really use the X264 because my CPU can't handle it that well (Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30ghz) and now i'm wondering what's the best to use instead, Quicksync or NVENC?

Full spec
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30ghz)
  • 8GB Ram
  • Mobo: MSI Z68A-GD55
  • 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
I don't have the best computer for streaming as you can see, but i have managed to be able to stream some before atleast.
If there's a way for me to use X264 however, please inform me how i should set it up!

I used to use Quicksync for a while, it works pretty good, but since i have to fake a monitor, for some reason some programs open up on the faked monitor and it's just a pain to try to move them to the right monitors and whatnot.

At the moment i'm messing around with NVENC but i'm having problems with a lot of action in the game (games like Dota and similar) because the video get's super choppy on the stream side, but the audio is fine so i'm wondering if there's some setting somewhere that i have messed up or something.
The choppyness doesn't really happen when i record however, but all the viewers have been complaining about choppyness when i stream anything that is high action!

So anyone here that can help a lost soul with this? What should i use?


Active Member
If you're streaming use x264. If you're recording use NVEnc. Sandy Bridge-era Quicksync was pretty bad like alpinlol said, the only way you should use it is if NVEnc didn't work for you for recording.