Question / Help Several windows when streaming.


New Member
When I start to stream and I check my Twitch page it shows the same window within a window within a window so forth. And every window is about 5 sec delayed, so each window replays what just happends in the order they lay. It's so annoying because I can hear the same sound over and over again. How can I fix this?


You're using Monitor Capture, obviously. So, you're just capturing what you're seeing. So, yes, if you watch your own Twitch.TV channel obviously it's going to loop. ;)

Why are you using Monitor Capture though? Which game do you wish to stream?


If you want to stream League of Legends, the ideal setup is the following:

2 scenes:
  • Window Capture of its lobby window
  • Game Capture of its match window
And you just switch between the 2 scenes. You can assign hotkeys to the scenes to switch between them or use the plugin Simple Scene Switcher to do it automatically. Just have a look in the plugins section of this forum.