Question / Help setup for 720p@60fps

Ahmad Tarmizi

New Member
i will upgrade my I5 4690 to I7 4790/k version

my full setup right now are

I5 4690
MSI Z97 Gaming 3
Asus Strix R9 390x
AOC 144hz Monitor (primary)
HP Monitor (secondary)
16GB of DDR3 1866 RAM

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will i be able to stream The Division at 720p@60fps if i change my I5 4690 to I7 4790/k version??
pretty certain you already can, no need for the cpu change
What issue are you having that you think you need to change your current cpu?

Ahmad Tarmizi

New Member
seems like the I5 4690 wont be able to stream The Division at 720p@30fps.. my stream really having problem with it.. and its because of the cpu..
seems like the I5 4690 wont be able to stream The Division at 720p@30fps.. my stream really having problem with it.. and its because of the cpu..
Post your settings, and explain what is the issue... you aren't mentioning anything of what happens
Also post a log - do at least 5 minutes local recording
here are the basics


I suggest you game in window mode @ 720p, you can game at your usual way but I suggest that because it uses less resources from your hardware and well its the exact same resolution as you will be streaming at

If the recording looks way too pixelated(I mean potato quality) at 60fps then its when you have to drop to 30fps although blurry it will be more watchable to the viewers
Wow that totally sucks, I didn't know that game on PC was that intensive - well then yes go try the upgrade hopefully it does not lag on there.

Ahmad Tarmizi

New Member
Wow that totally sucks, I didn't know that game on PC was that intensive - well then yes go try the upgrade hopefully it does not lag on there.
if i upgrade it to I7 4790/k will it be enough?? i dont want to upgrade and it'll still be the same as I5 4690.. if so i rather upgrade to I7 5820k instead.. and spend some money for the motherboard and ram.. but if i will be okay to just upgrade it to I7 4790/k.. then i'll do it..


Maybe try OBS studio to see if that works better?

Try increase OBS priority (OBS classic advanced settings), and/or reduce game's priority using task manager. Can also go to affinity to uncheck 1 or 2 CPU from game, to see if OBS works better. Task manager priority and affinity will need to be set again on each game/program launch. This may slow down game, to allow OBS work better.

Dual pc will help a lot, one computer stream using capture card, the other run games.


You will be able to do that with 4790/k without issues. CPU usage will be ~10/15% in begining but there is spare room for game aswel. There is no need for dual PC, that thing are doing mostly bigger streamers after they get partnership in which point if way was legit, from donations there is enough money actually to start thinking into that.

Just get 2 monitors, 4770k/4790k and you are good. Trick about 720p60fps is that you can do 720p45fps, which is smooth as 60, yet not blury without having source option for viewers and maintain good quality. ~2300 bitrate is sweet spot with fast/faster preset, which I can do in any game so far on 4770k oc @ 4.0ghz.