Question / Help Settings to use to get Advanced Mode to emulate Simple Modes recording quality?


New Member
So, I am using OBS to record to files (no streaming is taking place)

On Advanced mode, I am able to split my audio tracks so I can alter their volume levels in post, which I tend to need to do a lot. So I NEED that function. But when in Advanced mode I can't seem to set up the recording output to have the same setting/cpu usage/Quality I get from Simple mode. It always comes out blurry and low quality in Advanced mode or requires WAY to much CPU (100%) to get it close to being the same HD quality I get from Simple.
You can see what I mean in this video...

But the settings I use in Simple mode run my pc at about 50% CPU and records the video just how I want it. HQ and no frame drops. So this is what I want it to be in Advanced Mode, but there is no quick dropdown to select the same Recording Quality there.

Below is the settings I use on Simple Mode (and wish to duplicate in Advanced so I can get multiple tracks, since there is no way to get multiple tracks in simple mode)

Recording Quality - Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size
Recording Format - mp4
Encoder - Software x264

So what settings do I need in Advanced Mode to simulate that exact same quality and cpu usage?

How I wish the audio track checkboxes existed in Simple mode....


Active Member
indistinguishable quality for x264 is as advanced:
rate control: crf
crf=16 (but is adjusted according the screen size. 1920x1080 and above is 16, smaller resolutions get smallerhigher numbers. 1280x720 is 1418)

If your CPU usage is too high and you only want recording, don't hesitate to switch to a hardware encoder. The OBS CPU usage drops to almost none. For quality based recordings (no streaming), their output quality is identical to x264 software encoding. Only the file size is a bit larger.
For Quicksync, use ICQ or CQP. For NVENC, use CQP.
As quality setting (ICQ or CQP) use the same values as for x264 CRF, that is about 16 for indistinguishable quality.
Choose the "quality/high quality" preset for these, and profile=high. Don't touch the other values.

Usually, you get really good quality that cannot be distinguished from the original with values between 16..20.
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Lower CRF numbers are actually higher quality, so I would think you would go the other direction and increase the number as the resolution gets smaller since you don't need the quality as high.


Active Member
You are right. Lower resolutions get higher crf numbers. 1280x720 is 18. I looked into the formula when I originally wrote this and missed that some value in the calculation is substracted in two different ways, so it actually does increase the result.
You are right. Lower resolutions get higher crf numbers. 1280x720 is 18. I looked into the formula when I originally wrote this and missed that some value in the calculation is substracted in two different ways, so it actually does increase the result.

really sorry for necro'ing this thread but you might be able to help me with the exact same problem but a different preset:
