Question / Help serious drop in framerate while streaming


New Member
i go from 60 frames in my games to 15-20 fps when streaming. my PC build is a pretty solid $1000 hand built setup, so i can safely say its not a limitation of my pc. i've streamed before just fine without the hiccups. i also have ridiculous frame drop as well.

 17:56:19: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
17:56:19: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
17:56:19: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v2.0.50727 .NET runtime
17:56:19: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
17:56:19: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
17:56:19: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
17:56:19: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
17:56:20: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.CLRBrowserSourcePlugin, Name: CLR Browser Source Plugin]
17:56:22: Open Broadcaster Software v0.659b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
17:56:22: -------------------------------
17:56:22: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
17:56:22: CPU Speed: 4080MHz
17:56:22: Physical Memory:  16326MB Total, 7213MB Free
17:56:22: stepping id: 3, model 60, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
17:56:22: monitor 1: pos={-2970, 16}, size={1920, 1080}
17:56:22: monitor 2: pos={-1050, -281}, size={1050, 1680}
17:56:22: monitor 3: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
17:56:22: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 (revision 19135)
17:56:22: Aero is Enabled
17:56:22: -------------------------------
17:56:22: OBS Modules:
17:56:22: Base Address     Module
17:56:22: 000000003F950000 OBS.exe
17:56:22: 00000000D2B80000 OBSApi.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D6480000 CLRHostPlugin.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D0D40000 DShowPlugin.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D0D00000 GraphicsCapture.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D0CD0000 NoiseGate.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D0CA0000 PSVPlugin.dll
17:56:22: 00000000D0C70000 scenesw.dll
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Adapter 1
17:56:22:   Video Adapter: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series
17:56:22:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 4271878144
17:56:22:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 4026531840
17:56:22:   Video Adapter Output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
17:56:22:   Video Adapter Output 2: pos={-2970, 16}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
17:56:22:   Video Adapter Output 3: pos={-1050, -281}, size={1050, 1680}, attached=true
17:56:22: =====Stream Start: 2016-12-10, 17:56:22===============================================
17:56:22:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
17:56:22:   Base resolution: 1920x1080
17:56:22:   Output resolution: 1920x1080
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Loading up D3D10 on AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series (Adapter 1)...
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Audio Format: 48000 Hz
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Audio Channels: 2 Ch
17:56:22: Playback device {}.{00d67dbb-657c-4644-a362-cb5cfd66fc13}
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Using desktop audio input: Headset Earphone (2- HyperX 7.1 Audio)
17:56:22: Global Audio time adjust: 0
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (Blue Snowball)
17:56:22: Mic time offset: 0
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22: Audio Encoding: AAC
17:56:22:     bitrate: 128
17:56:22: ------------------------------------------
17:56:22:     device: Logitech HD Webcam C615,
17:56:22:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082c&mi_02#8&37e27449&0&0002#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
17:56:22:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1920x1080 - 1920x1080, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000
17:56:22:     use buffering: false - 0, fourCC: 'I420'
17:56:22:     audio device: Disable,
17:56:22:     audio device id Disabled,
17:56:22:     audio time offset 0,
17:56:22: Using directshow input
17:56:23: Using graphics capture
17:56:23: Trying to hook process: dota2.exe
17:56:23: Scene buffering time set to 700
17:56:23: ------------------------------------------
17:56:23: Video Encoding: x264
17:56:23:     fps: 30
17:56:23:     width: 1920, height: 1080
17:56:23:     preset: veryfast
17:56:23:     profile: high
17:56:23:     keyint: 250
17:56:23:     CBR: no
17:56:23:     CFR: yes
17:56:23:     max bitrate: 1000
17:56:23:     buffer size: 1000
17:56:23:     quality: 0
17:56:23: ------------------------------------------
17:56:23: CLRHost:: Browser 3: Status message: 
17:56:23: CLRHost:: Browser 3: Failed to set referrer policy: The value 'no-referrer' is not one of 'always', 'default', 'never', or 'origin'. Defaulting to 'never'. @
17:56:23: SharedTexCapture hooked
17:56:23: CLRHost:: Browser 1: Status message: 
17:56:23: CLRHost:: Browser 2: Status message: 
17:56:24: Using RTMP service: Twitch
17:56:24:   Server selection: rtmp://
17:56:24:   Interface: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
17:56:25: Completed handshake with rtmp:// in 132 ms.
17:56:26: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
17:56:26: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
17:57:00: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1501 ms to write 60060 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
17:57:02: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1703 ms to write 77423 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
17:58:00: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1697 ms to write 48966 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
17:58:06: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1684 ms to write 58267 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
17:58:40: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1524 ms to write 45800 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:02:11: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1582 ms to write 37714 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:02:44: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1765 ms to write 80877 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:02:53: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1620 ms to write 53900 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:04:07: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 2163 ms to write 47301 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:04:48: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1989 ms to write 144149 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:04:56: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1705 ms to write 118511 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:04:59: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1576 ms to write 144167 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:05:03: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 2674 ms to write 143983 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:05:05: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1507 ms to write 114051 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:05:13: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1759 ms to write 142079 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:05:34: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Stalled for 1505 ms to write 115518 bytes (buffer: 0 / 144384), unstable connection?
18:05:55: Total frames encoded: 17141, total frames duplicated: 0 (0.00%)
18:05:55: Total frames rendered: 17166, number of late frames: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
18:05:55: ~RTMPPublisher: Packet flush completed in 119 ms
18:05:55: ~RTMPPublisher: Send thread terminated in 0 ms
18:05:55: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
18:05:55: ~RTMPPublisher: Socket thread terminated in 0 ms
18:05:56: Profiler time results:
18:05:56: ==============================================================
18:05:56: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 3.08 ms] [children: 78.8%] [unaccounted: 21.2%]
18:05:56: | scene->Preprocess - [71.4%] [avg time: 2.199 ms]
18:05:56: | GPU download and conversion - [7.44%] [avg time: 0.229 ms] [children: 6.88%] [unaccounted: 0.552%]
18:05:56: | | flush - [6.53%] [avg time: 0.201 ms]
18:05:56: | | CopyResource - [0.292%] [avg time: 0.009 ms]
18:05:56: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.0649%] [avg time: 0.002 ms]
18:05:56: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 1.081 ms] [children: 99.7%] [unaccounted: 0.278%]
18:05:56: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.7%] [avg time: 1.078 ms]
18:05:56: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 1.539 ms] [children: 2.14%] [unaccounted: 97.9%]
18:05:56: | sending stuff out - [2.14%] [avg time: 0.033 ms]
18:05:56: ==============================================================
18:05:56: Profiler CPU results:
18:05:56: ==============================================================
18:05:56: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 2.202 ms, total 37814.6 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 1.882 ms, total 32307.8 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.022 ms, total 390.004 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.012 ms, total 218.401 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.007 ms, total 124.801 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 1.117 ms, total 38313.8 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
18:05:56: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 1.116 ms, total 38267 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
18:05:56: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 1.107 ms, total 18985.3 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: | sending stuff out - [cpu time: avg 0.003 ms, total 62.4 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:05:56: ==============================================================
18:05:56: =====Stream End: 2016-12-10, 18:05:56=================================================
18:06:19: ~RTMPPublisher: Final socket shutdown completed in 24085 ms
18:06:19: Average send payload: 1552 bytes, average send interval: 34 ms
18:06:19: Number of times waited to send: 9, Waited for a total of 25513 bytes
18:06:19: Number of b-frames dropped: 72 (0.42%), Number of p-frames dropped: 80 (0.47%), Total 152 (0.89%)
18:06:19: Number of bytes sent: 25223175
22:02:01: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings
22:02:01: Terminating 0x26e4

Last game capture log:
2016-12-10, 17:56:23: we're booting up: 
17:56:23: CaptureThread: attached to process dota2.exe
17:56:23: D3D9EndScene called
17:56:23:     BackBufferWidth: 1920
17:56:23:     BackBufferHeight: 1080
17:56:23:     BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
17:56:23:     BackBufferCount: 1
17:56:23:     MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
17:56:23:     MultiSampleQuality: 0
17:56:23:     SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
17:56:23:     hDeviceWindow: 919328
17:56:23:     Windowed: true
17:56:23:     EnableAutoDepthStencil: true
17:56:23:     AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D24S8
17:56:23:     Flags: None
17:56:23:     FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
17:56:23:     PresentationInterval: 2147483648
17:56:23: };
17:56:23: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
17:56:23: D3D9PresentEx called
17:56:23: D3D9 Present
17:56:23: DirectDraw Present
17:56:23: (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
17:56:23: DoD3D9GPUHook: success - d3d9ex
17:56:23: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
17:56:23:     Format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
17:56:23:     Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
17:56:23:     Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
17:56:23:     Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
17:56:23:     MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
17:56:23:     MultiSampleQuality: 0
17:56:23:     Width: 1920
17:56:23:     Height: 1080
17:56:23: };
17:56:23: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
18:05:55: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
18:05:55: D3D9EndScene called
18:05:55: D3D9PresentEx called


  • 2016-12-10-1756-18.log
    11.6 KB · Views: 5


New Member
so it would seem that connecting directly to my modem instead of through my router slightly rectifies the problem. 2% frame drop as opposed to 5%. but that much is still causing me problems. my computer seems to try to recalculate the dropped frames which causes my entire computer to lag. please if anyone knows how to fix, i'd like to know :(