Separate bitrates for Stream and File output


New Member
As the topic suggests, being able to separate bitrate for the stream and the file output would be super good (if even possible) as many people have a limited upload speed and still want a good quality on their youtube vods.


New Member
the problem with 2 bitrates comes down to the fact that you would have to encode twice, and in doing so would need to run much lower quality settings thus making BOTH encodes low quality


Active Member
Modern 4 core CPUs would be able to handle it at faster, at the very least. And many of the H.264 calculations would be duplicated between the two streams and only need to be done once in the encode for both. Is it possibly to run two simultaneous instances of OBS, and have them both have access to the same inputs? This is also a feature I'd request.


Town drunk
I believe in the latest version you can have 2 instances of OBS running now, but I don't remember how to set it up -_-

This would accomplish what you want, but like mook06 said, you would have to be encoding twice and you need to make sure you have the CPU power for that.
Krazy said:
I believe in the latest version you can have 2 instances of OBS running now, but I don't remember how to set it up -_-

This would accomplish what you want, but like mook06 said, you would have to be encoding twice and you need to make sure you have the CPU power for that.

Creating a shortcut and adding -multi to the end of the target allows you to open multiple instances of OBS

e.g OBS_0471b_test5\64bit\OBS.exe" -multi

Works with 0.47 and above as far as I know.