My usage that i just set up was minecraft server on PC1, clients on PC1 and PC2.
OBS on PC1
Using this program i setup OBS to show direct game capture on PC1 window capture of gameplay from PC2 in a PIP style.
I could not get the WindowName to work properly, was getting a
recv failed: -1 - 10054
in the EncoderPC/debug.txt
I know i got the window name right because if you get it wrong the game program tells you that it timed out looking for the correct window name. I removed the name and just got the whole screen.
I also did not understand the
@ If you do not wish to re size the captured image that leave this to -1
line in the gamePC/config.txt. What do i leave as -1 i tried both the ResizeMethod=-1 and the ResizeToWidth/Height and found no difference
No worries PC2 plays minecraft fullscreen, we move on.
The text in the EncoderPC/Config.txt confused me for a second under
@ The IP of the PC you will use to encode
Since that is PC1, it would not connect till i set the IP to, which is PC2 in mysetup. I think its just wording there and should read
@ The IP of the PC hosting the game capture server
or something similar so that you know that it connects to the game server, not itself.
I didn't see any statistics on the encoder side.
All in all a great solution, the negatives are quibbles or perhaps things that didn't quite get polished in that one day dev.
PS I ran this both ways at once as a test also. PC1 main screen cap sent to PC2(put it on a 2nd monitor) and main screen from PC2 back to PC1(second monitor) no conflicts at all, did as a test. Both directions 1280x720 resize=1 reducecolor=1 compression=5 1GB lan, was using about 50% bandwidth total.
Audio would be nice, but for my current needs unnecessary. ( i know others will ask though)
Fixed window selection, maybe a "click to select window" option down the road when you get a gui since i know some window names get long.
Drag resize the encoder side, though that adds processing that i know you are trying to avoid since it would scale down transmit then scale up, but hey let the end user decide maybe, you can always warn them. ( im ok without, but someone will ask)
Monitor selection perhaps, both PC1 and 2 in this setup have 3 monitors, it worked out fine for me, but eh its an option, again once you've hit the gui stage.
Still great work, im very happy with it right now, and i cant wait to actually stream with it. ( I did do recordings, so it works in real time, just its 6am here, not streaming right now)
Keep it up.