semi-fix for going over the bandwith limit


New Member
I dont think this is implemented in OBS so im here to suggest it xD
some people try to stream on the edge, practically using 98% of their bandwith for streaming.
and their epic stream would probably lag on a random moment when their upload usage jumps(if they have some dedication to streaming this will probably mostly be caused by a sudden upload usage increase in OBS) i dont know about anyone else but i would prefer lags where the video/audio appear to be buffering and continuing to play after they buffer, i suggest a advanced option where you could set your upload speed so that whenever OBS detects it is using more than how much you defined it would split the data being uploaded into 1 that fits the max and the other that would be sent the next seccond achieving... buffering time where the stream will continue normally(tho its delayed :P) after the sudden upload increase is over instead of it being frozen and continuing later.

Maaaan almost half of this thread is the back-story xD, yeah i can imagine seeing some people's streams buffering every 10 secs(or even worse on scenes that constantly cross the line) but i guess its better than not seeing what happened in that time, poor me i had to watch half of a movie when it constantly buffered every 3 secs ;d