Selective Recording - The Streamlabs Desktop Feature that OBS Desperately Needs


New Member
Please allow me to preface by saying that I am NOT a fan of using Streamlabs Desktop to record/stream and prefer OBS in all applications. There is one feature of Streamlabs that I have been longing for OBS to have for quite some time and that is the feature called Selective Recording.

The Selective Recording feature allows you to select whether you want a particular source to show up in your Stream, in your Recording, or Both simultaneously. Users of OBS have struggled with work-arounds for some time now, relying on using multiple instances of OBS or utilizing the Source Record Plugin. Both of these options come with drawbacks and headaches that aren't present in the Streamlabs Desktop native solution.

Multiple Instances of OBS Drawback: Features such as starting the recording or replay buffer when stream is started do not work across instances of OBS. I imagine there is a performance hit as well since multiple OBS instances are running. You also have to copy all your sources over from the other instance and it's just a pain.

Source Record Plugin Drawback: This plugin does not allow you to record multiple audio tracks in the same recording file and there may be a performance hit as well.

For more information about Selective Recording, and to see its ease of use in action, please view the following video: