Question / Help Second monitor causes lag with OBS


New Member
For some reason if i stream with OBS and i have it open on the 2nd monitor, i lose fps, down to 80 fps in CSGO, when I stream and play with OBS minimized, i get 230 fps, I only lose FPS when i have OBS opened on my 2nd monitor, please help.


The Helping Squad
Hmm you could check if disabling the preview of OBS is enough. The problem with csgo is that it just draws as many frames as it can (230fps as you mentioned) although you will never need or see them anywhere. This can lead to your GPU being used up to 100%, but then OBS needs maybe a few percent of it to drawn the preview. And then you see the fps going down.
It can also help to just limit CSGO in the first place, to for example 120fps, the free room might be enough for OBS then, you have to test around a bit.