Screenshot Output not working :-(


New Member
Hoping someone can help me with this one.
I believe if I'm right that setting a hotkey for either the Screenshot Output or Screenshot Selected Source then you should be able to press that key and take a screenshot of whatever is showing in the scene at that moment in time?
I've setup keys for both of these options and pressing them does absolutely nothing :-(
I'm running OBS 29.1.3 on OSX Ventura 13.4 and absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong?
I've looked at the output folder (which is set to my desktop) and nothing ever gets saved there.
Please what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,



New Member

I've been trying for the past 5 minutes to have this working and there was absolutely nothing on my Desktop at all. Literally after posting this thread I've gone back to my Desktop and it's literally littered with screenshots!!
Is there any reason why they took so long to appear. I must have been at this for around 10 minutes now!

