Question / Help Screen tears when streaming only


New Member
I've just started to stream FFXIV but I suddenly started to get a lot of screen tearing when I am streaming. vSync is activated in nVidia settings (there's no option in game) and my settings can be found in the log file (720@60fps).

I have tested to change some settings but nothing seems to be working. Any idea why?

Edit: Changed from Fullscreen windowed to Fullscreen and it went away. Why is this?


  • 2013-09-06-1021-44.log
    27 KB · Views: 16


nikentic said:
Edit: Changed from Fullscreen windowed to Fullscreen and it went away. Why is this?
It is because (to my understanding) DirectX/OpenGL handles the output alone, without going through DWM (Desktop Window Manager). Aero is vsynced, making all games that you run in a non-fullscreen mode vsynced (but without the FPS halving problem). So you can disable vsync when running games in window mode with Aero on, without getting tearing.