14:13:19: Video Encoding: x264
14:13:19: fps: 60
14:13:19: width: 1280, height: 720
14:13:19: preset: faster
14:13:19: profile: main
14:13:19: keyint: 120
14:13:19: CBR: yes
14:13:19: CFR: no
14:13:19: max bitrate: 10000
14:13:19: buffer size: 10000
14:13:19: ------------------------------------------
14:13:23: SharedTexCapture hooked
14:14:11: GraphicsCaptureSource::NewCapture: eliminating old capture
14:14:11: SharedTexCapture hooked
14:18:28: FlushBufferedVideo: Flushing 28 packets over 450 ms
14:18:29: Total frames encoded: 18527, total frames duplicated: 12334 (66.57%)
14:18:29: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 12080 (65.20%)
14:18:29: Total frames rendered: 6420, number of late frames: 118 (1.84%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)