Question / Help Screen is doing weird things...

Ok let me start by saying i'm pretty new to OBS so this might be something easily fixable that i'm jut overlooking. Ok well the main problem im having is that whenever i go to preview or start streaming all that shows up is a thin black screen right in the middle of the full screen. None of my sources show up. When i go to edit i can edit the source size but its all just a black screen. Anyone know what could be causing this?
Ok sorry for not having that information. I'm trying to stream The legend of zelda : the wind waker. Currently on OBS i'm using a dazzle to record, w-split to keep a record of split times, and a logitech webcam for a webcam lol. I want to reiterate that this hasnt always been happening. Everything was working fine for awhile (full screen; could see all my scenes perfectly) but yesterday when i opened obs to configure my screen it was all messed up. Its like the screen isnt full size.

Here is the link to my obs log:


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