Question / Help Screen Flicker when streaming certain games


New Member
I am a streamer. I use dual monitors, and I usually can stream games with no problem. But when I stream 2d-style games (Town of Salem, Insult Simulator) or use monitor capture the screen flickers. When I use game capture with some of these other types of games, the screen flickers as If its trying to capture the desktop behind it, even though I'm using game capture. When I'm using monitor capture and capturing a window, it flickers as well.

I've tried literally everything (windowed mode, fullscreen etc) and it still happens when I try to stream town of salem or w/e. Please help me, please. It's honestly so frustrating and I've tried everything.

I have Windows 10


1. You posted this in the Classic forums. If you're actually still using Classic, please update to Studio. Classic has been dead for about a year.
2. After you update to Studio, if you still have the problem, please post a log.
It's flickering because your monitor is set to 50 Hz, while the preview window displays 30 FPS. Make sure that TownOfSalem.exe is set to the correct resolution and refreshrate that your profile has. In this case 60 FPS. A Vsync lock would mean it would only draw 50 FPS, therefore introduce possible flickering. The solution would be to either change your refreshrateto 60 Hz or cap the profile at 30 FPS. Otherwise there shouldn't be any impact to any viewers, the problem should only persist on the preview window. Try including a recording plus the timecodes where it happens.
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If your monitor's refresh rate really is set to 50hz, then you need to set OBS to 50fps or 25fps.
Set your monitor refresh rate to 60hz and OBS to 60fps or 30fps.


New Member
It's flickering because your monitor is set to 50 Hz, while the preview window displays 30 FPS. Make sure that TownOfSalem.exe is set to the correct resolution and refreshrate that your profile has. In this case 60 FPS. A Vsync lock would mean it would only draw 50 FPS, therefore introduce possible flickering. The solution would be to either change your refreshrateto 60 Hz or cap the profile at 30 FPS. Otherwise there shouldn't be any impact to any viewers, the problem should only persist on the preview window. Try including a recording plus the timecodes where it happens.
it doesn't flicker in the preview window. It only flickers when its streaming. Literally, it doesnt flicker when I record, it doesnt flicker on my screen, it doesnt flicker on my preview screen, ONLY on the twitch screen.
I've already tried changing my monitor refresh rate to 50hz, and changing it to 30fps cap, still flickers.

Heres the video:

I went through the video 3 times, there's nothing out of the ordinary or flickering at all, neither has it skipped frames.

Maybe there's some sort of transparency interference, but the issue seems to be only on your end and not for your audience. Does the whole screen flicker or only the window of the games? If it only affects the window, you might want to try to disable Aero during streaming. There's also the possibility, if you preview it on Twitch, that there's an issue with your browser. In that case you might want to disable adobe flash to make sure Twitch doesn't load that as well as the regular HTML5 video feed.

Upgrading to OBS Studio would also be a good step, since the settings in your log file are identical with the default settings of OBS Studio anyway.
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New Member
I went through the video 3 times, there's nothing out of the ordinary or flickering at all, neither has it skipped frames.

Maybe there's some sort of transparency interference, but the issue seems to be only on your end and not for your audience. Does the whole screen flicker or only the window of the games? If it only affects the window, you might want to try to disable Aero during streaming. There's also the possibility, if you preview it on Twitch, that there's an issue with your browser. In that case you might want to disable adobe flash to make sure Twitch doesn't load that as well as the regular HTML5 video feed.

Upgrading to OBS Studio would also be a good step, since the settings in your log file are identical with the default settings of OBS Studio anyway.

There is no option to disable aero on windows 10 as far as i know. I know its not my browser because I've tried to capture non browser related windows on my desktop. I've tried going to the settings in my system and checking "optimize for best performance" but that didnt fix it either.

But yes, its not exactly flickering, but a transparency problem. Regardless, my viewers can still see it and complain about it. OBS Studio is great, but I experience the same "transparency" problem on OBS Studio.
There is no option to disable aero on windows 10 as far as i know. I know its not my browser because I've tried to capture non browser related windows on my desktop. I've tried going to the settings in my system and checking "optimize for best performance" but that didnt fix it either.

But yes, its not exactly flickering, but a transparency problem. Regardless, my viewers can still see it and complain about it. OBS Studio is great, but I experience the same "transparency" problem on OBS Studio.

Edit: Turns out it was the stream quality setting.
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