Question / Help Screen flashing


New Member
Hi, I'm currently streaming on a laptop, and encountered "screen flashing" problem recently.

I've streamed no problem a couple of weeks ago, but all of a sudden, my stream started to flicker.

This is the video of the problem that I'm currently having.

I have no idea what's going on.

Does anyone have a solution to this?


New Member
I have dual NVIDIA GT 650m graphics card.
Yesterday, I tried disabling SLI and tried to stream, and the stream was then completely fine.
So I re-enabled SLI and tried to stream again, and the screen started to flash again.

So now I've came to a conclusion that the SLI configuration is causing the problem.

Is SLI or Crossfire not supported for OBS?
But I'm just wondering because I think I had OBS working completely fine with SLI a couple of weeks ago.
I'm not entirely sure that I had SLI enabled back then so..


SLI and CFX and troublesome either way; not just with OBS. In my humble opinion the technology is an interesting one but not to the average user and most decidedly not for gaming. More trouble than it's worth for non-scientific purposes.

So, no, SLI and CFX are not completely supported by OBS. Nor is it really easy to support so do not expect it overnight even if the developers are willing to look into spending time specifically to add support for it.