Screen capture suggestion


New Member
I like to use the software screen capture for my music overlay. I'm excited to try the chroma key for the program also (which is how I had it setup in Xsplit). The only problem I have with the screencap is that you when you select region, you can only make it so small. I always get a little bit too much on the top or bottom because I can't shrink the square any more height wise. Any thoughts on maybe allowing the screen region to be as small as possible?


New Member
ALSO, instead of posting a new thread I figured I'd just add onto this. Any way that we can get little audio level indicators similar to xsplit? It helped me set my mic gain accordingly seeing if and when I would spike it.


New Member
GAH! Also.... (apparently I have too many suggestions) would it be possible to have it list how many viewers are in the stream somewhere on the application? I'm guessing no since people use a multitude of different streaming locations.


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Forum Moderator
yep, all of these have been suggested, and are on my list