Question / Help Scenes and cropping

Geir Andersen

New Member
So, I've been trying out Studio after using original OBS a while.
I made my first Scene and everything looked just fine. Then, I duplicated that scene, as all my scenes are based on each other (poker, one scene to view all tables and one scene pr. table).

When I went to the new scene and tried to apply a crop filter to just focus on the first table, both the original scene and the duplicate got the crop filter. This happened to the next scene as well, so I'm wondering what's up...

Does the crop filter apply to all scenes, or am I doing something wrong??

And man do I miss the ability to capture sub-region!!

Geir Andersen

New Member
I apply a Crop/Pad filter on the item in my Sources list

I tried using the Alt+crop, and that did semi-work.. However, when resizing the crop to fit the scene, the quality was very poor. The quality in OBS after using sub-region was much better.
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Geir Andersen

New Member
I'm not sure I understand. Applying scale and aspect only resizes the whole window/area. I want to crop to a certain region, different in each scene.
I'm sticking to OBS for now, as I can't seem to get this sorted and what I did manage, the quality was too low to continue.

Geir Andersen

New Member

This is my setup. The view all are supposed to show all tables, and Table 1, 2, etc. should only show top left (1), top middle (2), etc.. I can't seem to figure out a way to do this is OBS Studio. It was a snap in OBS, using Sub-Region.

Suslik V

Active Member
But you are already completed this via easy (alt) cropping of the Full image:
When you add source to the scene choose 'Add Existing' to not waste the time and memory.
Then do cropping (easy cropping feature from the Guide).
Thus you can have 10 and more sources with different cropping in one or in any scene.
Then apply via right-click menu scaling filter (Scale Filtering) to each of the cloned sources.

Guide has images how to use basic OBS Studio functions and instruments.

Geir Andersen

New Member
I tried cropping with Alt and adding a scale filter. I also tried adding a scale filter, then crop with Alt.
Here are images to represent the difference:

OBS Studio

OBS Classic:

That's quite a difference, and I can't stream with that poor image quality.

Suslik V

Active Member
How you did this?
What Scale Filtering is?

  1. I can add 'Display Capture' source.
  2. I add one more 'Display Capture' source, but I choose 'Add Existing' instead of 'Create New' one.
  3. I made cropping by holding ALT key (easy cropping from the Guide).
  4. I scaled up cloned ('Add Existing') cropped source my mouse move (manual transform from the Guide).
  5. I right-clicked over the cloned cropped source and I can choose Point, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos.

Geir Andersen

New Member
I tried two things;
I have the View All scene created and working 100%.
Duplicated the scene -> Table 1, then cropped the Source (named Play) using the quick Alt crop.
Then I scaled up by dragging out (don't know any better way of describing it.
The result is in the pictures above.

I also tried adding existing and cropping + scaling up, but same results.
The picture of the table and the text on the table is very poor.

Suslik V

Active Member
What resolution of your View All scene?
And what scaling do you choose: Point, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos?

Edit: If you already scale down whole scene and then cloned it and trying to upscale it again, then you are doing wrong. You need to crop original source/scene to get the best result.
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Geir Andersen

New Member
It's a 1080p Display capture, with a scaling filter down to 720p.
Writing this, it occurred to me that this might be the problem.
I deleted the original and added it again, this time without scaling down to 720p, but instead just resizing the original capture.

Then added the existing source and Alt-cropped, then added Bicubic, and the result is tons better!

Thank you so much for all your help! It's been invaluable!!!

Suslik V

Active Member
OK. And try to look on your whole scene building from other point of view next time. I think, there is place to optimize it.