Question / Help Scene Transitions


New Member
Does OBS offer scene transitions such as fade? If not are there any plans to implement this?

I have been using XSplit and have a motto at the end of every stream saying "This is Sir Jaxxy fading out" while I fade to black. To do this I simply switch scenes from my game scene to one with a black image using a 5000ms fade transition. So far in OBS I just jump straight to the blackout scene.

Sir Jaxxy


New Member
Hmm interesting. Well if there is an auto fade then it is set to a very low number that makes it unnoticable. At least it is to me :(

I love OBS cause other then customizable scene transitions it has everything I am using in Xsplit for a much better price (can't beat free in this day and age). It is also the only streaming software, out of FFsplit, OBS, and XSplit, that I can stream The Secret World with and play with 30FPS or better.

Sir Jaxxy


New Member
I know this is kind of an old thread, but I was wondering if there is a way to remove the scene fade now. I had this idea of using the scene hotkeys to switch between the mascot character's expressions in real time as I play the game.